Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Princess Caroline - Dauphine in Waiting
It seems Princess Caroline, one of the most famous Ivy-league moms, is growing restless as her brood matures and her empty nest looms. What's a well-married well-connected political dabbler to do with her time now that her chauffeur is driving fewer carpool routes?
More charity work? Yeah, but that's been getting old, like she is. She's 50ish, ya know. No, she wants to move into the family business without having even run for school board. But, who cares? She's a Kennedy! It's in her genes! What more could she need to be a US Senator when our country is in two bad wars and wobbling on a financial precipice?
Besides, she can always ask her children for help if she's stumped about foreign policy or tax levies. During the primary, she turned to her kids for advice on which candidate to back. They convinced her to vote for Obambi - because those teens know cool when they see it. (Experienced? Capable? Not so much. Not so important, it appears, to our political dabbler/aspirant.) Perhaps her husband can explain the financial crisis. After all, he's an artist and many of these financial instruments were very creative.
What the hell? Wall Street and Bush's wars have flushed America down the toilet. Why shouldn't our cherished democratic ideals be next?
So, let's put the grossly unqualified Kennedy Dauphine in the Senate. It's only a weigh-station until the presidency becomes available. Then, after fruitless flirtations with the Bushes and Clintons, we can anoint the rightful heiress to the throne by acclamation, gutting the republic but restoring Camelot and fulfilling America's promise - as a mass of sentimental, ignoramuses enthralled by fairy tales, angels, legacies, simple solutions and Oprah's favorite things.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Secretary Palin? No, not that kind of secretary!
Yes, in the spirit of bringing the country together, Obama should ask another Republican to join his merry band of men and women. How does Secretary of Energy Sarah Palin sound? According to wiki (and what isn't these days?), the only President to actually reach out to the other party to fill this position was Jimmy Carter. (OK, he was also the only one fired. It's not a perfect analogy, after all, since Palin is a woman and is not a former Secretary of Defense.)
Palin's would-be predecessors would include Hazel O'Leary, the first woman and first African American, Federico Pena, the first Hispanic, and perennial presidential candidate -- and a man better known as Judas to James Carville -- Bill Richardson, the second Hispanic and New Mexico's outgoing governor.
Granted, my quick and dirty review of previous Energy Secretaries' was neither exhaustive nor scholarly. Nevertheless, recent candidates seemed to have combined less energy expertise than Gov. Palin.
So, there you go. If Obama really wants a cabinet that reflects America, selecting Governor Palin as Energy Secretary is a three-pointer with nothing but net. She's a Republican, has extensive experience, and hails from underrepresented but vitally important Alaska.
Yeah, giving the governor a real portfolio could do a lot to undo her airhead image. That's not good for the Dems. But, this is a critical post. He needs her to succeed. Besides, unlike his appointments to fellow Dem primary foes, this one would show that he's serious about burying the hatchet not the political bodies.
Palin is very popular with women who feel she was trashed by the misogynistic media. Married woman and mothers adore her. Her appointment would speak volumes about her gravitas on energy and that he's serious about having a bipartisan cabinet.
And, as an added bonus, who else can whip up some moose burgers at Camp David?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Don't Go West, Old Man - Ear-Plugs Ticket Freaks Over Tough Interview
But, more important, HAS BIDEN HAD AN EYE LIFT??? He's looked Botoxed since his ass-whooping by Gov. Sarah Palin in the VP debate, as noted by Michelle Malkin. (She calls this the best Biden interview ever.)
So, let's recap:
- hair plugs
- eye lift
- Botox
- younger wife
- obviously capped teeth in Hollywood White (an actual color, ask your dentist)
- bristles when questioned
Yup. The Plugged One has some ego. Hey, Ms. West, maybe you should have asked about his cosmetic surgery rather than his campaign's cosmetic policies.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Cash and Carry?
But ...
Is the universe trying to tell us something? The man responsible for cleaning up this debacle, which was exacerbated by shocking payouts to Wall Street insiders and Fannie and Freddie executives, is named Kashkari, pronounced cash/carry, as in cash-and-carry.
Is this cosmic irony? Or are the karmic powers-that-be trying to tell us all that we need to stop using debt?
Just asking ...
No matter what, I wish Neel the best of luck.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Can McCain Pull This Off?
If he can reach the voters directly ... Here are his challenges.
First, the polls are unreliable. When you look at a poll, you have to ask one question: what is the ratio of Democrats to Republicans? By upping the number of Dems or lowering the number of Repubs, a pollster can manipulate the results to favor Obama. I won't name names but this has happened more than once over the last few weeks.
Second, the MSM will run with these bad polls because they desperately want Obama to win. How else to explain the lack of coverage for Biden's outrageous gaffes about clean coal, who was president during the Great Depression, and his egregious debate whoppers? (I'm sure a few experts on the Middle East are scratching their heads about the "Biden-Obama Hezbollah-Lebanon" policy.) By pushing the idea that Obama's win is inevitable, they hope to sway undecideds and dispirit McCain-Palin backers.
Third, McCain has to step up to the plate. He has to make it clear to the American people that the Democrats blocked Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reform, enabling the housing bubble. He has to link Obama to the freshman senator's crazy cohorts, because, trite though it sounds, you really can judge a man by the company he keeps. And, most important, he has to give voters a reason to vote for him. What is he going to do to fix the economy? Tax cuts won't cut it.
Fourth, Americans need to realize they are being played - by the media, by the Democrats, by the Obama campaign, by George Soros, by moveon.org, by labor unions, and by Hollywood loons who make millions reading lines other people write for them. All of these groups have vested interests in presenting a candidate with no real job experience as a viable president. If McCain's campaign can't drive home the prospect of a Pelosi-Reid-Obama government, he deserves to lose.
I believe this election is closer than the polls say. Neither candidate has made the sale to voters. I'm not confident one will before November 4th, which actually favors McCain as the known commodity.
Can McCain pull this off? If he wants to.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
If You Can't Beat 'em, Bully 'em
-- Barack Obama, Elko, NV, September 16, 2008
Alrighty, then. (Note: I've not linked to the points below because there are copious reports that support them that have been clicked on to death.)
First, the DNC tried to bully Hillary Rodham Clinton out of the primary.
Then, the MSM, mesmerized by The One, tried to bully primary voters into snubbing HRC by accusing ordinary citizens of racism.
Next, the DNC Rules Committee strong-armed the Democratic electorate in Florida and Michigan to give The Big O delegates conjured from thin air.
Then, the Unholy Trinity of Pelosi, Dean, and Reid conspired to buy superdelegate support by pouring cash into campaign coffers, causing a stampede of shameless political hacks to The One and finally shoving the people's choice out of the primary.
Next, the DNC and The One, he of the hopey/changey/post-partisan/post-racial/new politics kumbaya campaign, harangued national delegates into abandoning their states' voters to support the worst sham election since Syria's.
But, it hasn't worked. The McCain-Palin ticket is tied with The Eared and Plugged Ones. M-P is ahead in key battle grounds, like Florida, and competitive in Michigan. (Go figure. Those Dems didn't like all the maneuvering at their expense.)
So, the Unholy Trinity and the Chicago Cabal are panicked. The country just doesn't seem to like this guy and no amount of shilling from SNL and Bill Maher seems to help. What's a dirty Daley machine pol to do? Bully the electorate.
For all I know, the American people can be humbled and despirited enough to grudgingly vote for the Ear-Plugs ticket. Who knows? Stranger things have happened. (See Bush 2000 and Bush 2004.) But, color me skeptical, if I'm allowed to be without that being misconstrued as a racial taunt.
Here's what I see as the DNC/Ear-Plugs strategy.
1. Inspire its minions to harass their friends, neighbors and coworkers.
2. Call the American people racists by making bogus claims about The One's inherent electability were he not (b)-(l)-(a)-(c)-(k). I said, were he not BLACK. BLACK! Can't you people see there's a BLACK man running for president? There was a poll telling you what a racist sack of pig excrement you are! (lipstick optional)
3. Threaten us with THE CHRISTIANS.
4. Scare us that the old man may not make it to January, leaving us with - a sitting governor!
5. Scream about leaving the economy to A CHRISTIAN and and an old guy who can't even send an e-mail (because the Viet Cong broke his arms in multiple places but he can't tell you that because that's "playing the POW card").
So much for the politics of hope and change. Let's examine these tactics.
1. - Great way to get fired/dumped/shunned/disinvited to your mother-in-law's annual New Year's bunko blowout. Seriously, The One did this in the primaries and a quarter of HRC's voters are so mad they're either voting for the other guy or undecided. In fact, Ear-Plugs is so not worried about HRC's supporters that it's formed an outreach group (read gang) called "Hillary Sent Me." Good plan. Not. (I love you, Hill, but I don't worship you. Thanks but no thanks.)
2. - Great way to get Americans to lie to pollsters because they're afraid of looking bad. Not a great way to get votes. I expect most M-P voters to harden out of disgust and most independents will feel slighted. Americans like to feel good about themselves, not scolded for feelings few have.
3. - Most Americans are Christians who live in small towns and like their guns. See 2. Since Palin is drawing huge crowds, my guess is this isn't working.
4. - Way to insult 50% of the population! So, a female governor with the highest approval rating of any current sitting governor is a worse option than a freshman senator who's spent his ENTIRE tenure in the senate running for president. (And, he's being propped up by the star-struck Unholy Trinity and their Horse Faces of the Apocalypse, Kerry, Kennedy, and Clyburn.)
5. - And, Senators, your economic plan would be ... Yeah, that's why a prominent Democratic strategist urged you to come up with one plan, one, just one, because voters can't name any.
Well, as the old saying goes, if you can't beat 'em, bully the shit out of 'em. At least, that seems to be the Chicago version. Luckily, The One isn't in Chicago anymore. If Governor Palin clicks her heels just right, he'll be back there soon enough.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Why the Media Don't "Get" Sarah Palin
First, let me say how entertaining it was to watch Sally Quinn, the self-appointed Doyenne of DC, squirm in Bill O'Reilly's hot seat and be bitch-slapped by Soledad O'Brien, who has four kids and a demanding job as an cable news anchor. Lacking any discernible talent for journalism or writing, Quinn's official job at WaPo has been Editor's Wife Who Thinks She's Smarter Than You Serfs Who Work For People Like Her Husband. Nevertheless, Quinn took it upon herself to lambaste GOVERNOR Palin for being a self-made working mom. Presumably, members of Quinn's bunko group only dabble when the whim strikes them.
O'Reilly made Quinn look like a simpleton. Dressed in a teal blouse - with an unwisely low neckline that emphasized how far her 67-year-old boobs have sunk, Madame blathered on about special needs kids and the challenges of raising them. One assumes that the Quinn-Bradlee household of three eked by.
But let's return to the subject at hand, how Sarah Barracuda has single-handedly changed the presidential race. As reported by Rasmussen, Gov. Palin's approval ratings top both presidential candidates. Here are my reasons why the Palin pick is absolutely brilliant, and not "brilliant" as in Michelle "1100 SAT" Obama. I mean the Merriam-Webster's definition of brilliant.
1. Todd Palin is part Yup'ik. Can he connect with Native Americans in the Lower 48? If so, he should be dispatched to the Dakotas and New Mexico pronto. The Dakotas should be red but have been wavering and NM looks like it will turn blue. Maybe Palin, who is proud to call himself part Eskimo, could be a strong advocate for Native American rights and make a difference with voters.
The McCain-Palin ticket has played up Todd's heritage for another reason, one that can't be mentioned in polite company (Sally, if you can find your ears under that white helmet of a bob, cover them): it insulates Palin from attacks that she's racist and frees her to go after Obama with impunity. What the Obama campaign seems to have forgotten but I'll say out loud is that not all Americans of color are black. And, the ones who aren't wonder how much influence Obama's old church has had. This could be big issue with Hispanic voters who consider McCain's failed immigration bill a valiant effort. Also, Asian voters, few that there are, granted, are skeptical of Obama's sympathies and despise affirmative action, which has been used to limit their numbers at top universities.
2. Sarah Palin will attract Hillary's voters. While there are thousands of Democrats who will vote for McCain/Palin rather than the candidate they believe stole the nomination, they aren't the target. Blue-collar white males and their spouses are.
When a fancy suited young man alights on a factory floor, workers think one thing: layoffs. So, you can't blame blue-collar voters for not warming to Obama. He reminds them of every other corporate trailblazer whose favorite words are longer than his resume. And, they know what happens after his "synergies" and "efficiencies" are realized. They need a new job.
These are the workers Palin is supposed to attract. Until a few years ago, her husband, a union member, was the primary breadwinner. The Palins juggle their work schedules through hard work, flexibility, and family support. They understand the challenges of childcare and mortgage payments.
The Democrats' veep pick was supposed to appeal to working class voters. Whatever. Is it me or does Joe Biden need to stop talking about taking the train home from the Senate? Doesn't that make Delaware a suburb of DC? Wouldn't that make Biden part of the entrenched establishment Obama is supposedly running against?
3. The Base. This is a no-brainer. Really, Hillcrats, he wasn't going to put a Hillary clone on the ticket. McCain is a Republican.
4. The Media hate her. With a passion. So, of course, American wants to know why. Frankly, I have no sympathy for members of the nattering class who claim ignorance about a sitting governor, the most popular governor in the country, no less. I knew who Sarah Palin was before that fateful Friday. If they didn't, they should be docked a month's pay. Shouldn't these "experts" know their subjects?
5. Suburban women see themselves. No matter what their political persuasion, suburban moms see one of their own running for vice president. They can't help but relate.
It's difficult to be a working mother. Most women still handle more than their share of household duties. Once you have a baby, you're "mommy tracked" and you don't get the same responsibilities and raises. Then, along comes Sarah, ready to show the world that moms have brains as well as uteruses. And, her supportive husband sits beaming proudly, comfortable in his skin as snowmobile champion and dad that cooks. "We CAN do it!" shout these suburban moms.
But, it's not all roses and sunshine for Gov. Palin. There are her detractors. The Loony Left has gone bananas seeing a pro-life Christian woman on the undercard. Strident feminists are penning columns implying she's not a real woman. And, then there are the divorced moms. They are a category unto themselves and a lost cause for McCain-Palin. In order, here are the candidates most despised by these women:
1. Women married to "flawed" men who stay married. This drives the divorced moms crazy since they ditched their jerks only to end up lonely and living hand-to-mouth waiting for the child support check. Yes, they're jealous.
2. Happily married women, happily married/committed gay men, lesbians of all relationship status because they don't deal with men. Yes, again, the divorced moms are jealous. Many are insanely jealous. Too bad for them.
3. "Flawed" male candidates like Bill Clinton. Interestingly, these women can overlook the men's indiscretions but not their wives for staying. Petty. That's all I'll say.
4. Happily married men, like Obama claims to be. Honestly, they want to marry him. It's a school girl crush. And, immature.
5. Single gay men. Divorced women LOVE single gay men! They aren't a threat to these women's worldview and they can dish about what louts men are.
In other words, these women hate other women. I can't tell you how many divorced women I know who hate Hillary for not leaving Bill. I believe they want to marry Obama. And, they hate McCain for dating Cindy while he was separated from his first wife. They overlook two facts, that McCain's first wife remains on good terms with him and that John and Cindy raised the three kids from the first marriage. Not that it matters, except that it speaks to his character, but John had adopted his first wife's two sons from her previous marriage. Cindy and he raised these sons, one of whom is on tap to take over Cindy's position as Chairman of the Board if John is elected.
Let the media focus on distractions like Palin's foray into beauty pageants and her patchwork scholastic career. She's smart and tough. And, best of all, unlike her Democratic rivals, she seems disinterested in courting the DC elite. Of course, playing hard to get will get you one thing: more attention.
The media may not "get" Sarah Palin but she seems to "get" them.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Stuck in the Seventies: How the Left Is Out of Step on Abortion
Sarah Weddington sued infamous, long-serving Dallas County DA Henry Wade on behalf of serial baby factory, Norma McCorvey, better known as Jane Roe. Weddingon went on to the history books, Wade continued his reign on minority defendant rights (currently being undone by Democrat Craig Watkins) and abortion became legal in the US. (Ms. McCorvey had her baby, since her case was heard by The Supremes years too late, and gave the child up for adoption.) It was 1973.
To hear the Democrats, it still is.
But, now, the fight for abortion rights might be undone by another Sarah.
Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin is the living, breathing repudiation of every old abortion canard trotted out by the Left. And, she is two months away from being elected as the first woman Vice President of the United States, giving her the perfect platform to show the country just how out of step the Democrats and their liberal benefactors have become on this emotional issue. Ironically, they have themselves to blame. Had they nominated popular-vote winner Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Dems would not have Gov. Palin as Exhibit A in the Case Against the Left's Abortion Arguments. (An eloquent post by riverdaughter at The Confluence gives reasons for voting against the 2008 Democratic ticket.)
So, let's see how Gov. Palin proves the Dems wrong:
1. The Costs of Having a Disabled Baby are Too High
Gov. Palin gave birth this April to a "beautiful baby boy" she declared "perfect." He has Downs Syndrome, a diagnosis the governor and her husband learned after prenatal testing. They declined to abort even though about 90% of parents faced with this decision end their pregnancies. (sources: wiki, NYT)
2. We Shouldn't Burden Women With Babies They Can't Care For
Gov. Palin is a mother of 5, including newborn son Trig. She started her political career as a mother of three, had a daughter while mayor, and a son while governor. If Governor Palin and her husband can juggle 5 children and her duties as Vice President of the United States (she's currently a sitting governor), then few women can claim a baby will push them over the edge.
Now, there are some left-wing heavy hitters defending this fragile argument. Barabra Ehrenreich famously pontificated about her two abortions of convenience in the New York Times. She hypocritically claimed, "And when it comes to my children - the actual extrauterine ones, that is - I was, and remain, a lioness." But, clearly not for the two most defenseless cubs who had poorly timed their conceptions.
3. Women Deserve the Right To Choose Their Reproductive Destiny
Yes, they do. That is why we have condoms, The Pill, the IUD, the female condom, various hormone patches, the sponge, the cervical cap, tubal ligation and vasectomies (willing partners, only, please) and a clever invention called the calendar. None but the last were widely available to women who came of reproductive age during the Sixties and Seventies. But, they are now. (One fact conveniently left out of the Dems narrative on "choice" and "destiny" is the right to keep the baby, also a choice, as the staunchly anti-abortion Gov. Palin believes and exercised.)
There is a glaring reason young women aren't fired up about abortion rights. Few need them. These women grew up with the benefits of Roe and its associated battles - sex ed, condoms in high school bathrooms, and open lectures about STDs. They know how and why they can get pregnant and they realize that there are few excuses for it accidentally happening. All US women have access to contraception, even teens who can demand their boyfriends spend a few bucks at CVS. (Hey, Playa, it's half yours, remember.)
While women forty years ago had to use abortion as birth control, had the real fear of losing their jobs/diplomas/degrees if they got pregnant, or faced the prospect of a loveless shotgun marriage, today's women don't. Girls and women who find themselves with an oops have options their mothers couldn't have dreamed of. Pregnant teens can attend special high schools with daycare and career counsellors and there are colleges with on site childcare. All pregnant women have job protections, not just the married ones. And, in 2008, we have a legal system happy to slap delinquent dads with child support.
Simply put, we aren't living in the Sixties. We aren't Norma McCorvey. Today's accidentally pregnant face not the shame of illicit sex but the stain of ignorance. In short, we are expected to own our own destinies.
For the record, I am pro-choice and do not want to see Roe reversed. It is the lesser of two evils. No, birth control isn't infallible and mistakes do happen, sometimes in the heat of passion. But, as a mother, I can't sign up for abortion on demand, anytime, anywhere. Nope. While I certainly agree that a mother has more rights than a potential being, I believe a fetus past 22 weeks is its own separate being. There, I said it. Late-term abortions should only be done because of the health of the mother or in compassionate cases like anencephalic babies. Period.
But, what about rape and incest? If you waited later than 22 weeks, you can wait a few weeks more. Sorry. See the above paragraph.
The Democrats have arguments they lack the courage to make. It should be mandatory for hospitals to offer rape victims the morning after pill. It should be mandatory for pharmacies to honor prescriptions as written, not push their religious beliefs on their customers and undercut a doctor's treatment. And, we need to get rid of parental notification laws. These are fights worth having.
Alas, the Democrats are still mired in a pre-1973 world. They want to fight for rights women already have and for choices we can already make. Who, I wonder, can't surrender control of women's bodies?
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Genie is Out of the Bottle and Out of Wishes
Hence, as the Star sparkled in the prime time sky, did a wondrous event occur. Reverend Dean and Kerry, the king-in-waiting, did kiss the ring of Prince Kennedy and rub the feet of Daley, Overlord of Darkness. And, yea verily, on the vast temple before the assembled New Orwellians, the spell was broken. From the very toenails of the Overlord did rise a tall and handsome genie with a radiant smile and photogenic cheekbones.
And, the genie did gently circle his manicured hands and did speak to the New Orwellians. "People of the New World Order," said the genie. "We are not Earthlings or Starlight, Orwellians or Rovians. Nay, we are all Obamacons. And, yea verily, we will unite this planet in Boston and Seattle, in the City of Angels and the City of Wind, in Berlin and Paris, and in Ames and in Washington! Yes, we can! We will work together. You must wish it so. You must have hope!"
Yea, and the crowd roared its approval for it comprised the Creative Class and they were averse to work but they could dream and wish and hope.
But, the genie needed sustenance so he retreated to a dark doorway to smoke, leaving the New Orwellians to ponder his wisdom.
"My lord, how can thou unite the planet?" asked the Reverend Dean, verily enjoying the burning incense from the land of Marlboro.
"Ah, but I cannot," replied the genie.
"What?" screamed the Reverend. For he was known far and wide for his screams.
"But, you told the New Orwellians ..."
"My good reverend," said the genie, "I am a genie. I grant wishes. I do not work."
The genie did verily wave his elegant hands. "I am The One and I am here to grant three wishes to the man who broke the spell."
And, the Reverend Dean did let out his scream and jump up and down and pump his fists in the air. "He's not here. But, I know what he wants. I'll do it for him. I wish for John Kerry to win the election!"
"Well, uh, see, Reverend, we could get into the specificity of the paranormal vs. the audacious, and we could talk about this all day, about the ramifications, of, uh, wishes and their consequences," said the genie and Dean was verily entranced by the beauteous words and the dazzling smile and the wafting incense from the land of Marlboro. "But, see, when we get down to the, to the, look, I can only grant three wishes a year and between my wife and, anyway, no can do until 2005."
So, the Rovian King Dubya was not deposed and the New Orwellians would have to wait another four years for the calendar to turn, as was the custom in the New World.
But, lo, in that instant, a partnership was birthed. And, the genie's fame grew far and wide to Sin City and the New Sodom and promises were made and deals were hatched so that four years later the genie might become king-in-waiting. Soon, it became known among the New Orwellians that the genie would rule over them in 2008. For, it was inscribed in the NYT and WaPo, on dKos and Huff&Puff.
Hence, the 24th year after the Prophet Orwell had forecast the end of the world, the New Orwellians cheered as the genie became their king-in-waiting. But, the Rovians were not so taken with the genie and they bore false witness against him and circulated true stories about his lack of experience as a real king. And, the residents of the New World were curious.
Now, the genie had been forced to use all of his three wishes warding off Empress Hillary of Clintonia, sworn enemy of the Reverend Dean, Prince Kennedy and then former king-in-waiting Kerry. The Empress was the champion of the People of the Working Class and she beat the genie, only to be cast aside at the end by his last wish. But, lo, the genie was out of wishes and could not make himself king.
So, the New Orwellians faced life for four years under Lt. McCain, a Rovian that many liked more than the genie. And, the genie's fortunes looked dim. Lo, their last chance came upon them, a final pitched battle between the Empress and the genie. If the Empress won, she would click her red shoes, vanquish Lt. McCain, and return peace and prosperity to the New World.
But, alas, the Clintonistas, after a valiant fight, were unable to put the genie back in the bottle until the dark of winter descended on the lands and Lt. McCain had assumed the throne. The New Orwellians were split between the Rovians and the Clintonistas, and the rest were driven into exile to the very edges of the New World, the Blue Coasts.
Lo, it came to pass, in the 28th year after the Prophet Orwell had scheduled the end of the world, that Empress Hillary smote King McCain and became the rightful ruler of the New World, bringing peace, prosperity, and gender equality to all. It is whispered in these parts and others far and wide that the Empress Hillary kept on her desk a box from the land of Marlboro sealed tightly in a glass case and that on starry nights, a beauteous voice would bespeak the words "audacity" and "bitch".
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Can't a Guy Just Take His Vacation?
Poor Barack Obama. After tirelessly watching the MSM and DNC do the heavy lifting during the Democratic primaries, he desperately needed a vacation - and a photo op with Granny, whom he hadn't visited in two years even though she is an unhealthy 85 and she raised him.
And, what happens? War breaks out in the Caucus Mountains. Damn those Caucasians! Always trying to thwart his plans!
To make matters worse, his time jogging on the beach and relaxing with a Mai Tai (yes, you can still get one in Hawaii) was interrupted because the Doogie Howsers running his campaign wanted a statement. Something presidential. Something with gravitas. (Isn't there an antibiotic for that? Well, there should be.) Something to show his bona fides! (I know there's a cream for that at CVS.) And, those idiot Jonas Brothers took three attempts to come up with a decent speech.
After that McCain guy went out and kicked some Ruskie butt!
After that McCain guy presciently called on the UN Security Council to have an emergency meeting!
And, as if things couldn't get worse, The Changeling had to give his speech in the ugliest black windbreaker to escape from MIT's annual Best Einstein Hair fundraiser!
Except, this is the real world, Barry, not a perfectly choreographed speech (following a free concert). These are the kind of issues that presidents deal with, not selecting faux seals and posing for promotional pix.
Yes, Barry, these world-changing events - Russia wanting to rebuild the Soviet Union and threatening a major pipeline that Europe desperately needs - these are the times when sipping a Mai Tai comes second to getting on your private jet back to DC. Now.
If Obama really wanted to be presidential, rather than just appearing presidential, he would be in DC meeting with experts on Georgia and Putin. It's work, I know. It can't be delegated or outsourced or parsed. It's the unglamorous, yeoman side of the presidency that changes lives - real change.
But, a guy needs some time off, doesn't he? Can't a guy just take his vacation? No. Not if that guy is the president - or wants to be.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hey, NYT and WaPo, Are You Protecting Obaby, Too?
It turns out that the major national media players have been sitting on the Edwards affair story for, oh, almost a year. Yeah, not a few days to give the former senator and his family time to regroup and formulate a strategy. No, 9 FREAKING MONTHS. That must be a helluva strategy there, Johnny.
See, the MSM didn't think it was a major story - even though Edwards had been heavily touted to be a VP contender, Attorney General possibility, or Supreme Court candidate - and they didn't want to hurt Elizabeth's feelings - like she hadn't been hurt by the affair while she waits to die from stage 4 cancer - and they doubted the veracity of the source - which is fair, considering Edwards paramour was the inspiration for an unhinged coke head in a novel written by an ex-boyfriend. Still, two things bother me. One, if NE could find the dirt, surely our best journalists could have unearthed a few spadefuls. Second, even after finding the truth, our most trusted news sources sat on the story. For months.
And I don't mean the affair.
Here's the important question: are the MSM going to make amends by investigating The One?
You know the drill, Rezko, Wright, Ayers, his campaign tactics in Chicago, the birth certificate questions, etc. I'm looking forward to some kick-ass articles about all of this, now that the MSM has decided not to protect its Democratic favorites. (By the way, it was pretty clear to anyone with more than two brain cells that HRC was not an MSM fave. Can you imagine the uproar if she'd lied about speaking a foreign language? Yeah, exactly.)
Now, there are some gold stars to be handed out. The Boston Globe did an excellent series on The One's district. The Weekly Standard had an superb piece examining His Loftiness' writings for his local paper. There was a so-so article in The New Yorker about Chicago's influence on The Community Obamanizer by a reporter who has since been banned from The CO's sight. And the blogosphere has been on these stories from day one.
I understand being cautious. I understand checking sources. I even understand protecting friends or respected members of the community, especially if a story is highly personal and innocent bystanders, like spouses and children, will be hurt. But, I don't understand protecting candidates when the nation's interests are at stake.
I think it's time we stopped calling the New York Times our paper of record when it seems to have a pattern of keeping important stories off the record. And The Washington Post sure has fallen since it's heyday during the Watergate scandal. But the worst offenders are our major networks. Surely between updates on Britney's custody drama and the latest on the Brangelina twins' photo saga they could have squeezed in this little tidbit.
Because the nation cares.
Because Americans want to know who our politicians are as people and what their true values are. And, nothing exposes your true values like trotting out your family at campaign stops while you're betraying your dying wife.
But here's what has really stuck in my craw. Many of these same "journalists" who sat on the Edwards story were Bill Clinton's loudest critics. They tried their damnedest to bury the Clintons over Bill's one-night indiscretion (as opposed to an affair and yes there is a difference!). Yet, they held tight to their keyboards when the Edwards story was burning up cyberspace - likewise with many Obama stories.
So, let's see if we have this straight.
- Bill Clinton - fair game
- Hillary Clinton - fair game
- John Edwards - golden boy
- Barack Obama - The One They Desperately Want to Elect
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Vote for Paris!
I'm getting my news from Fox because I can't stand the O-bernut, I agreed with Michelle Malkin twice in one month, and now this. Paris Hilton has the best ad for president. Go Paris!
Seriously, if you don't think the Paris response is hilarious you must have the initials BO, think we have 57 states, and have tires as tightly inflated as your head.
From funnyordie.com, Paris for President (pink White House optional).
Monday, August 4, 2008
What Happens in Indonesia Stays in Indonesia
Are you catching my drift?
Did "Barack Obama" legally change his name from Barry Sotero? Or did he just show up in Honolulu with an old US passport and a wrinkled original birth certificate and get enrolled in school as Barack Obama? Who would have known, right? How would the school secretary know? Just because he had Indonesian school records (assuming those got passed along) wouldn't mean he wasn't American. Think about it! Hawaii is home to countless bases. People come and go from exotic locales all the time. And, in multicultural Ha-va-ii, nobody was going to question either "funny name."
So, what happens in Indonesia stays in Indonesia?
I know it's hard to imagine in our hyperlinked, ID obsessed, new millennial world that there was a time when people didn't ask for your eye scan when you used your Target gift card. But, yes, there was a more innocent period in America when a good, upstanding bank president's word and a few old, dogeared documents would be all you needed to register your child in school.
Nowadays, you need to leave fingerprints inked in your own blood and a DNA test proving parentage. Kidding. And, we really do plan to get those shot records in as soon as possible.
But, I digress ...
According to TexasDarlin's research, also documented at NoQuarter, the state of Hawaii seals the original birth certificates of children who are adopted. A new certificate is produced with the child's new last name, new father and/or mother, and other relevant information. So, if Barack Obama, Jr. was adopted by Lolo Sotero, he would probably have a birth certificate that says Barry Sotero.
What if Barry Sotero showed up with his original US passport and a copy of his original birth certificate (the one that had to have been sealed after his adoption in accordance with Hawaiian law), who would know he wasn't legally Barack Obama? And, why would they ask? Why would anyone ask?
They wouldn't. And, Barry Sotero could go all the way to the US Senate on those old pieces of paper. Would that be legal? I don't know but I have a feeling it's not. When you run for office, you have to do so under your legal name. What if Barry Sotero never got around to filing for a name change, something that would be part of the public record and would have come up on at least one of the gazillion searches I did on The Google. I'm no lawyer ... but ... I don't think Barry can be the legally elected junior senator from Illinois.
See where I'm going with this? Following the same logic, it's possible his name on the primary ballots wasn't valid and he received ZERO votes for the Democratic nomination.
Congratulations, Senator Clinton! Now, all you have to do is hire a team of private investigators, contact the FBI, and convince the MSM to take up your cause all in the next three weeks.
Or else, what happens in Denver will stay in Denver.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Race, Hypocrisy & Bottle Blondes
Yes, I'm sure Barack Obama is horrified, HORRIFIED, at the thought of a black man and two white women being pictured together. But not together. In an ad.
Pass the smelling salts, Minerva! A black man and a white woman togetha?
Oh, yeah, That's how we ended up blessed with The Blessed One.
Is it me or does the MSM suffer from a wee bit of hypocrisy? How can a biracial man, one who blathers on and on and on annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd ooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn about being the son of a " typical white woman from Kansas" and an "African man black as pitch," honestly get riled up about being in an ad showing the candidate with two "typical white women?"
What am I missing?
John McCain's campaign, making light of Obama's celebrity persona, made a G-rated ad showing brief glimpses of blondes Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. It was an amusing commercial but nothing like the infamous Ford/Corker "Harold, call me" debacle. There were no sexual or racial overtones, undertones, or Coppertones. Simply a white face, a brown face, then another white face. And some music.
All those colors! Minerva, those smelling salts!
What are we becoming as a nation? First, Hillary Clinton is raked over the coals for having the temerity to suggest President Johnson had anything to do with Civil Rights and now this crap. A benign ad starring two of our most vacuous celebrities is branded "racist" and "sinister" because their race only half-matches the candidate's.
If it's racist to feature a half-white candidate in the same ad as two white women, is it equally racist to feature a half-black man with two African American starlets? Would the ad have passed muster with nervous netroots nellies if it had depicted Omarosa and Crystle Stewart (our most recent Miss USA Winner to fall on her world stage)? Perhaps McCain's campaign could have gotten away with mixed-race celebrities like Halle Berry and Mariah Carey, except both are accomplished women and the meme of this ad was a lack of experience.
Wait! If there are other mixed-race people in our country, Obama isn't the only biracial American, is he? He just thinks he is because it's always about him. Just like this story wasn't about race but hypocrisy and double standards.
Simply put, because he is half-white himself, a half-white-half-black candidate cannot cast sinister aspersions on an ad's white celebrity faces. Does the good senator have a problem with inter-racial dating? Wouldn't that make him a hypocrite? Or, even a self-loathing hypocrite?
It wasn't just the race card that got played this week. It was the hypocrisy card. It was played by the Obama campaign and the jokers were the liberal MSM.
Minerva, a case of smelling salts for MSNBC and HuffPo ASAP!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Why PUMAs Won't Vote for O - The Ex-Boyfriend Factor
99 - Max! You've done it! You've figured out why we can't vote for Obama! He reminds us of an ex-boyfriend. (shudders)
Max - Obama works for Kaos?
99 - No, Max, he is Kaos.
It struck me last night like I was Shemp and Reality was Larry. Why won't women and gay men vote for Obama? He's attractive, tall, sophisticated, smart, and he's got that Hollywood smile the cameras love. So, why do women want to throw the remote at the TV and why are gay men furiously blogging about the End of The World?
Obama reminds us of THAT ex-boyfriend. Yeah, you know the one, good-looking, charming, eerie Cruise-like grin. The one that fooled around with your best friend or bought a Rolex on your credit card or called you on New Year's Eve around 8PM saying he had an obscure virus called Gotabetterofferitis.
I was reading this scary little gem by The Body Language Lady about the nexus of narcissism, Obama, and body language. And, then, it hit me. He's the ex-boyfriend your best friends warned you about, the one you ended up leaving back at the caucus without a ride home.
I don't doubt Obama is a narcissist. Sure, most politicians have a healthy ego. In order to believe that YOU are the ONE PERSON in the country who can be the best president, you have to be pretty full of yourself. But, I believe Obama takes things a step further. And, so do the posters on BLL's site, including a psychologist.
It gets creepier. 75% of narcissists are men. 75%! Get it? That's why women and gay men are more likely to see through Obama. We've dated one! But, what about lesbians? What about them? As women, they've watched at least one close friend date Mr. Perfect and then helped pick up the pieces - used condoms, red thongs, scraps of paper with phone numbers, that Rolex receipt.
You can call me crazy. Many people do. But this isn't why. Obama creeps people out in a way I've never seen another candidate do. It's a visceral reaction. I can't see that smarmy smile pop up without cringing and I never even dated a narcissist. (I've known enough to see the signs. Got this one covered, thanks.) This sickly feeling knows no race, creed, or political party. That right-wing blogger was trying to be funny but still hit the target.
(double shudder)
But, what about people who don't feel this way? After all, 40+% of the country hasn't figured him out and those pictures from his trip were really pretty. Well, first of all, narcissists are rare, estimated to be between 1 and 2% of the population, according to the extensive research I did on The Google. And, you really have to have experienced NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) up close and personal to want to vomit when you catch a glimpse of The Eared One. Otherwise, you may be creeped out but you probably won't have an unnatural urge to grab your car keys and hit the gas. In fact, many people unfamiliar with NPD's path of destruction will look at the hollow eyes and believe they are magnetic rather than cold and devoid of empathy.
Narcissists can be very charismatic but only over the short-term. Right now, many Americans are still caught up in the honeymoon period. (Those of us who've been married a while can tell you all about what happens when the HP comes to a crashing halt, right around the time you discover your spouse feels ratty underwear is appropriate for answering the door.)
So, what next? Well, I'm a PUMA. I keep holding out hope that Dean, Pelosi, and Reid will come down with serious cases of Blackberry Thumb, be too bedridden to oversee the grand anointment, and, in their absences, the spell will be broken, the supers will wise up and kiss the princess, who will then rightly ascend to her place as Democratic Nominee, and peace will be restored to DemLand.
Hey, if a nobody with criminal connections, membership in a racist church, and a resume as short as Mini-Me can rise from the ashes of an exclusive prep school/Columbia/Harvard Law to flit around Europe like the late, great Suzanne Pleshette in If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium, then ANYTHING can happen.
But PUMAs voting for Obama - that won't. (shudder, shudder, shuuuddddeeerrrr)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Obama and the Mirror of Erised
I have another theory. Perhaps, the senator is more like a human Mirror of Erised (my deepest apologies to JK Rowling). In the first Harry Potter novel, Harry discovers a wondrous mirror that reflects one’s heart’s desire. Reflected in the magical looking glass is the You Oprah Dreamed You’d Be.
Howard Dean might have envisioned his 50 State Strategy.
Nancy Pelosi could have seen her Northern California liberal policies.
Harry Reid might have glimpsed a political leader.
Could it be that this election hasn’t been about “the change we’ve been waiting for” but the petty ambitions of a few self-centered leaders? Is it possible that Democratic officials didn’t just project their values onto their rising star, but their dearest dreams?
It gets worse. Now, Obama is playing his shtick on desperate Afghans. According to John Nichols at The Nation, Obama has been meeting with tribal lords and promising them roses and sunshine:
Unfortunately, Obama is busy making promises.
After meeting with the Democratic presidential candidate inside the US base in Jalalabad, Afghan warlord turned provincial governor Gul Agha Sherzai told reporters, "Obama promised us that if he becomes a president in the future, he will support and help Afghanistan not only in its security sector but also in
reconstruction, development and economic sector."Translation: Obama is not listening. He is making commitments.
Specific commitments.
Despite the fact that there are more foreign troops in Afghanistan today than at any time since the 2001 invasion -- roughly 60,000 total, including 36,000 Americans – Obama is proposing to dispatch two more US combat divisions (comprising more than 7,000 soldiers) to Afghanistan. That will give the United States even greater responsibility for a technically NATO-led occupation.
Apparently, The One is running around countries harboring suicidal terrorists and telling them he'll give them anything they want. IS HE OUT OF HIS MIND? There are consequences if his alleged promises never come to fruition - PEOPLE WILL DIE.
Afghanistan has been crippled by centuries of war. Its people desperately need necessities like food and running water. It would be honorable and commendable if we could bring that to them. But, Obama is not in a position to do that. Heck, even the real President can't.
Maybe Obama really believes he can do this. He seems to have drunk a lot of Kool-Aid on the trail. Or, maybe he's using these poor people as campaign props and he'll do as much for them as he did for the people in his district (the ones living in the rat-infested, uninsulated, unheated buildings his bud Tony Rezko built on the Illinois taxpayers' dimes).
Here’s what I know. Confidence men succeed by promising their victims what they desire. They’re “blank screens.” They’re Mirrors of Erised. Democratic leaders, influential left-wing commentators, and desperate voters have spent this primary dreaming of their deepest desires. But, inevitably, confidence men have to deliver what they’ve promised – like filibuster a bad FISA bill or take public financing. When they don’t, which they inevitably won’t, the jig is up. At least, it should be.
Unless electing a flip-flopping, pandering pseudo-liberal, wannabe right-wing Evangelical driving a large careening Blunderbuss is their fondest dream, the Superdelegates need a new mirror.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Netroots Neighborhood?
Over at NN, so I've heard, they're actually debating who's more powerful, a bunch of pajama pontificates or elected officials like Harold Ford, current head of the DLC. (Uh, note to the shower-less wonders: put down the Cheerios and pick up a newspaper and yes, they still exist. Elected officials actually pass laws instead of mocking them from the safety of mommy's basement.)
Look, as a PUMA, I'd love to believe that tapping away online will save Hillary. But, unlike the Blogger Boyz, I have a life. In the real world, causes, including elections are won on the street. You have to get out and talk to people instead of IM-ing the like-minded. That's why I tell people IN PERSON why I'm supporting a REAL ROLL CALL VOTE and what they can do to help.
I'd say more but it's Saturday and my real life kids and spouse are in the pool. Needless to say, I haven't watched any of the feed from NN, nor do I plan to.
People who do should get dressed, take a walk, and talk to one or two of those odd looking fur-free creatures that walk upright. Amazingly, those hairless two-legged freaks talk back, unlike the four-legged fuzzy wonders the NN crowd is used to. Fascinating, Captain.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wiretapping My Womb? Is That Next?
Now, it wants to do both to American women.
According to the brain trust at 1600 Penn, the birth control pill causes abortions. So do those ungodly (and popular) IUDs. Yup, relying on "Stedman's Medical Dictionary" (does Oprah know about this?) and "Dorland's Medical Dictionary" - instead of that oh-so-unreliable sources such as the American Medical Association, the British Medical Association, and the Medical College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Health and Human Services has decided that pregnancy begins at conception not at implantation. Recipients of federal grants are free to use the new definition to deny birth control to poor women.
A quick lesson, for those of you who were hungover in high school biology, on how to create a baby:
Boy and girl meet in a college Russian class.- Boy and girl may or may not have gotten drunk. (Note: this step is not necessary, just common practice.)
- Boy and girl do the nasty.
- Boy's sperm (what? he lied about the condom? a$$hole!) and girl's egg meet in a Russian class somewhere in Fallopian College.
- Sperm and egg merge to become The One with the universe.
- Ta-da! According to the Bushies, Boy and Girl have just created themselves a candidate!
- Or not. According to the established medical authorities, the commies at the AMA and the ACOG, the egg-sperm melange (zygote, for those keeping score), has to implant into Girl's womb for her to actually be considered pregnant. This is a tricky thing and many zygotes have a different agenda. They get flushed, kinda like the DNC did to the Clinton supporters.
- If the zygote implants, then begins the long process of lurching to the right and sucking donors dry, I mean growing an embryo-turned fetus-turned-baby. And, only after implantation will Ben and Allison see the dreaded blue line of death. (Kidding. I love zygotes. I just don't want any more.)
So, HHS/Bush 43 is screwing poor women with their new standard. Now, wackos with their fingers on the prescription button can deny women The Pill, the birth control patch, or IUDs. The latter actually does work by preventing implantation but hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy by preventing ovulation (no egg).
Just for grins, let's look at the benefits of The Pill, other than the obvious:
- reduced blood flow means reduced chance of anemia
- possible protection against ectopic/tubal pregnancies (that have to end, either in surgery, miscarriage, or the tube bursting killing the embryo and possibly the mother, too)
- less chance of fibroids
- regular cycles and possibly reduced menstrual pain
- possible protection against ovarian and uterine cancer
While I appreciate Senators Clinton's and Murray's and Speaker Pelosi's vocal criticism of this policy, I wonder something. Where are the male critics? Doesn't birth control affect them, too? (Answer, YES.)
And, where is Senator Obama's voice?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Why don't PUMAs have the courage of their convictions?
Lo 2o something days ago when the PUMA movement launched, I had Hope. Yes, Hope, and Hope for Change in the Democratic Party's nominee. But something happened on the road to Denver: success.
Blogs that were once edgy and rebellious are now backing away from their original goals. Now that their daily hits are soaring and ad revenue is multiplying at dizzying rates, they've just sorta kinda, well, ya know, SOLD OUT. Sure, they'll still criticize the self-appointed nominee. They might even post a few outrageous allegations. But, gone is that fire in the belly.
Could it be true? Could they end up "coming home" to the party that threw them across the asphalt?
Isn't that what always happens to the Party of Appeasement? Contest Florida? Nah, that'll upset the voters. (Which ones? The majority that voted for Gore?) Impeach Bush? What? When his approval ratings are in the high 20s? Look what happened to the Republicans in the '90s when they tried that! (Yeah, 'cause a private lapse with a consenting adult, immoral as it may have been, is so comparable to invading a sovereign nation on made up intelligence and costing thousands of lies.) Filibuster the FISA bill when it gives Bush EVERYTHING he wants? (And admit that we're just as guilty in that whole debacle?)
Uh-uh. No way. They earned that moniker The Defeatocrats and by god they're going to live up to it! So, other than a few hardy stalwarts like The Denver Group and PUMApac, we're left with happy hours and rants. Besides, Hillary doesn't even want the nomination, right? (And, Obama's a new kind of politician.)
Well, I'm not giving up. Not me. I ain't gonna. I don't wanna. And, you can't make me!