Monday, August 4, 2008

What Happens in Indonesia Stays in Indonesia

So, here's what I don't get. If Barack Obama was adopted by Lolo Sotero and became legally, socially, and academically Barry Sotero, is his real name, legally and ballot-wise still Barry Sotero?

Are you catching my drift?

Did "Barack Obama" legally change his name from Barry Sotero? Or did he just show up in Honolulu with an old US passport and a wrinkled original birth certificate and get enrolled in school as Barack Obama? Who would have known, right? How would the school secretary know? Just because he had Indonesian school records (assuming those got passed along) wouldn't mean he wasn't American. Think about it! Hawaii is home to countless bases. People come and go from exotic locales all the time. And, in multicultural Ha-va-ii, nobody was going to question either "funny name."

So, what happens in Indonesia stays in Indonesia?

I know it's hard to imagine in our hyperlinked, ID obsessed, new millennial world that there was a time when people didn't ask for your eye scan when you used your Target gift card. But, yes, there was a more innocent period in America when a good, upstanding bank president's word and a few old, dogeared documents would be all you needed to register your child in school.

Nowadays, you need to leave fingerprints inked in your own blood and a DNA test proving parentage. Kidding. And, we really do plan to get those shot records in as soon as possible.

But, I digress ...

According to TexasDarlin's research, also documented at NoQuarter, the state of Hawaii seals the original birth certificates of children who are adopted. A new certificate is produced with the child's new last name, new father and/or mother, and other relevant information. So, if Barack Obama, Jr. was adopted by Lolo Sotero, he would probably have a birth certificate that says Barry Sotero.

What if Barry Sotero showed up with his original US passport and a copy of his original birth certificate (the one that had to have been sealed after his adoption in accordance with Hawaiian law), who would know he wasn't legally Barack Obama? And, why would they ask? Why would anyone ask?

They wouldn't. And, Barry Sotero could go all the way to the US Senate on those old pieces of paper. Would that be legal? I don't know but I have a feeling it's not. When you run for office, you have to do so under your legal name. What if Barry Sotero never got around to filing for a name change, something that would be part of the public record and would have come up on at least one of the gazillion searches I did on The Google. I'm no lawyer ... but ... I don't think Barry can be the legally elected junior senator from Illinois.

See where I'm going with this? Following the same logic, it's possible his name on the primary ballots wasn't valid and he received ZERO votes for the Democratic nomination.

Congratulations, Senator Clinton! Now, all you have to do is hire a team of private investigators, contact the FBI, and convince the MSM to take up your cause all in the next three weeks.

Or else, what happens in Denver will stay in Denver.

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