What's up with PUMAs?
Lo 2o something days ago when the PUMA movement launched, I had Hope. Yes, Hope, and Hope for Change in the Democratic Party's nominee. But something happened on the road to Denver: success.
Blogs that were once edgy and rebellious are now backing away from their original goals. Now that their daily hits are soaring and ad revenue is multiplying at dizzying rates, they've just sorta kinda, well, ya know, SOLD OUT. Sure, they'll still criticize the self-appointed nominee. They might even post a few outrageous allegations. But, gone is that fire in the belly.
Could it be true? Could they end up "coming home" to the party that threw them across the asphalt?
Isn't that what always happens to the Party of Appeasement? Contest Florida? Nah, that'll upset the voters. (Which ones? The majority that voted for Gore?) Impeach Bush? What? When his approval ratings are in the high 20s? Look what happened to the Republicans in the '90s when they tried that! (Yeah, 'cause a private lapse with a consenting adult, immoral as it may have been, is so comparable to invading a sovereign nation on made up intelligence and costing thousands of lies.) Filibuster the FISA bill when it gives Bush EVERYTHING he wants? (And admit that we're just as guilty in that whole debacle?)
Uh-uh. No way. They earned that moniker The Defeatocrats and by god they're going to live up to it! So, other than a few hardy stalwarts like The Denver Group and PUMApac, we're left with happy hours and rants. Besides, Hillary doesn't even want the nomination, right? (And, Obama's a new kind of politician.)
Well, I'm not giving up. Not me. I ain't gonna. I don't wanna. And, you can't make me!
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