Subliminal miscegenation! Racist! Sinister overtones!
Yes, I'm sure Barack Obama is horrified, HORRIFIED, at the thought of a black man and two white women being pictured together. But not together. In an ad.
Pass the smelling salts, Minerva! A black man and a white woman togetha?
Oh, yeah, That's how we ended up blessed with The Blessed One.
Is it me or does the MSM suffer from a wee bit of hypocrisy? How can a biracial man, one who blathers on and on and on annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd ooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn about being the son of a " typical white woman from Kansas" and an "African man black as pitch," honestly get riled up about being in an ad showing the candidate with two "typical white women?"
What am I missing?
John McCain's campaign, making light of Obama's celebrity persona, made a G-rated ad showing brief glimpses of blondes Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. It was an amusing commercial but nothing like the infamous Ford/Corker "Harold, call me" debacle. There were no sexual or racial overtones, undertones, or Coppertones. Simply a white face, a brown face, then another white face. And some music.
All those colors! Minerva, those smelling salts!
What are we becoming as a nation? First, Hillary Clinton is raked over the coals for having the temerity to suggest President Johnson had anything to do with Civil Rights and now this crap. A benign ad starring two of our most vacuous celebrities is branded "racist" and "sinister" because their race only half-matches the candidate's.
If it's racist to feature a half-white candidate in the same ad as two white women, is it equally racist to feature a half-black man with two African American starlets? Would the ad have passed muster with nervous netroots nellies if it had depicted Omarosa and Crystle Stewart (our most recent Miss USA Winner to fall on her world stage)? Perhaps McCain's campaign could have gotten away with mixed-race celebrities like Halle Berry and Mariah Carey, except both are accomplished women and the meme of this ad was a lack of experience.
Wait! If there are other mixed-race people in our country, Obama isn't the only biracial American, is he? He just thinks he is because it's always about him. Just like this story wasn't about race but hypocrisy and double standards.
Simply put, because he is half-white himself, a half-white-half-black candidate cannot cast sinister aspersions on an ad's white celebrity faces. Does the good senator have a problem with inter-racial dating? Wouldn't that make him a hypocrite? Or, even a self-loathing hypocrite?
It wasn't just the race card that got played this week. It was the hypocrisy card. It was played by the Obama campaign and the jokers were the liberal MSM.
Minerva, a case of smelling salts for MSNBC and HuffPo ASAP!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Race, Hypocrisy & Bottle Blondes
Crystle Stewart Miss USA,
Halle Berry,
Mariah Carey,
President Johnson,
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1 comment:
I came across an interracial community called one year ago. I posted my profile there and met my black boyfriend. This is a club for black & white singles to find ideal match.
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