Friday, March 6, 2009

Can I say it yet? "I TOLD YOU SO!"

I waited. Really, I did. A whole 6 weeks.

But, I'm finally going to say it. I TOLD YOU SO!

To all the moderate Dems and moderate Reps: I told you so!

To all the Clinton Dems who followed party over principle: I told you so!

No, The One is not a moderate or even a Democrat. He's a ditherer (Krugman) who "doesn't get it" when it comes to the stock market (Weekly Standard) who caused the stock market slide (Business Week) and the majority of BW poll respondents think he's screwed up the economy. Oh, and Steve Forbes believes The One is repeating Bush's worst mistakes and dooming the US.

In other words, he's not up to the job. So, on Wall Street, is the buyer's remorse greater for worthless Citi stock or O votes? How about Main Street?